Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Originally Posted by Bitten
Thanks, BlindPassenger, I had not heard of either before and they're both now at the top of my mega-long "to read" list. smile
I'm actively reading L&C fics sind ca. 09/18and still find sometimes good ones I don't know. The Quality Level of the stories posted to this fandom is amazing! I've never found another fandom where ca. 90% of the stories are so well-written. Most of the time to have to search the Diamonds and Nuggets between lots of... other stuff. Here, in 9/10 cases I enjoyed reading a fic. So you'll have a lot to do...

I love redemptions and a good double-cross, but most of the time the bad guys stay in their corners.
Me too. It always makes the plot and the character interactions more interesting.

Though Clark does tend to stray from his good guy status on occasion...
Does he? I think L&C's Clark may be one of the most "good" Versions of the character ever presented. Other Versions of him are much more willing to cross lines than he is. That can either be seen as a strength or as a weakness, relaying on the case. I would say Lois is the one more willing to stray away from being good than Clark, at least in this incarnation.

I'd say that Clark most definitely tiptoes over the "good" line once in a while. Always in pursuit of the greater good, but still. A few examples I can readily think of: stealing the jewels when his parents were kidnapped, stealing Miranda's Revenge potion, breaking and entering for investigations, impersonating a cop (as Superman when Lois' uncle's store was robbed), impersonating military personnel... I'm sure there's other examples, but at this hour of the night, it's all that I can come up with.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon