I like Jor-El very much, Jenni. What I think I appreciate most of all is how this chapter takes the burden off Clark's shoulders - he won't have to be Superman any more. And he can't be, honestly. The missing finger is enough to give him away in the first place. But it also seems unlikely that he's ever going to fully regain his superpowers. And it would be too much of a coincidence if both Superman and Clark Kent return more or less at the same time, after many years' absence.

This is a delightful chapter, Jenni. Somehow I was especially touched by Perry, so loving and giving and supportive in his character, yet so old and frail in his body.

And of course... we really need to see Clark reunited with his family, so that he can see his son filling his shoes... eh, boots. Well, you have promised us that Clark will return eventually, and I can wait. But I'm so looking forward to much more of this, but you know that already!
