Thanks for the encouragement, guys! ^_^

Today closes with my self-imposed deadline for the outline, and I think I've got something workable. I went through a ridiculous amount of paper scribbling notes, outline drafts, expanded outline drafts, revised outline drafts, and expanded revised outline drafts. The plot ended up changing in some very interesting ways, but the synopsis above is still true.

Tomorrow is my official Start Writing day, and I am nervous. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am. My goal is to have something publishable by the end of the year, and I'm not sure how I should budget my time to make sure I have enough for editing and rewrites. I guess I'll give myself until June 1 to have the first draft done? That should be generous enough compared to NanoWrimo, and if I finish early and can start the next phase sooner, so much the better.

Fingers crossed! laugh
