Bakasi asked:

The presidential candidates who were not born in the US, do they have to be acknowledged as rightful candidates by some committee?

The answer is that there is no such committee. If a candidate (Kamala Harris is an example) was born within the United States - or, as has been stated - was born to American parents who were outside the U.S. borders and have not renounced their citizenship - that man or woman is eligible to run for either President or Vice-President. In modern practice, though, no candidate has the financial resources or campaign infrastructure to be elected without the support of one of the major political parties. There's just too much to do and too much to pay for, like advertising, travel and accommodations, campaign materials, staff (Joe Biden didn't book his own TV time), medical and security personnel, and much more.

Political processes are different from one country to the next. I've no idea how candidates for Prime Minister in France, for example (assuming that's actually the top spot), are selected or how they campaign.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing