To SupesFan,
I'm so glad you are enjoying my story and that you like Lara. I'm very pleased to know that a guy writing a female character who is believable. Lara's story is a long one, 32 chapters, and I hope you find her journey enjoyable. Also, thanks for reading "Too Soon for Love". I like to think it gives insight into Lara's character that I didn't want to rehash in this story.

To Chickberry,
Again, thanks so much for your feedback. I came up with that scene after the majority of the story was written but it begged to be added to so I did. I'm glad you like the Austalia scenes and that they triggered happy memories for you. Thank goodness for Google or I'd never have been able to include as much detail as I did. I remember reading an L&C story that was set in Australia and I found it intriguing and I wanted to have Lara travel through that country.
Thanks to you both!