She was glad when Clark posed his next question. “Deal. What game did you have in mind?”

“Poker,” Lois immediately answered.

He rolled his eyes again and laughed heartily, probably thinking that he’d already won the bet. “Lois, can’t be serious! You’ve seen firsthand how much I don’t care about winning at poker. Believe me, that was not an act to appease Perry.”

“Oh, I know,” Lois replied silkily, putting a hand on his shoulder and patting him. “But this isn’t the Chief’s monthly poker game. This is just you and me.”

“And how’s that any different?” His eyebrows creeped up into his hairline in a bemused way.

Lois smirked as she leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Because, Clark, we’re playing strip poker.”

The End.

There is an error in the quote above. That cannot be "The End." There are too many ways for this to go to stop here.

Val might have inspired it, but you, DC, wrote it. The two of you share the blame - er, the credit - for this sassy piece.

Maybe you could let Val write the game itself. Clark bets a shoe, Lois raises with a sock, Clark calls - who wins? And how far do they go? And - here's the big question - do they get "up close and personal" at the end of the game when the unclad loser honestly answers the winner's question?

I hope you write this for this forum and not the NFic one. Of course, you (or someone) could do one for each.

And then you could write one where Lois wins and naked Clark answers, then the other side when Clark wins and naked Lois answers. Or you could have them go all in and end up with matching hands (pair of kings, pair of queens, jack) and both lose. All sorts of possibilities.

So when are you posting the next chapter?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing