But... you are saying that Clark really is a potential killer. Okay... I can accept that, because I know there must be a good reason for it.
I had to think about how to answer this one. I believe the best answer I can give is yes and no and that's not only because I'm trying to tap-dance around where I'm not even sure the story is going yet.

The way I see it so far, it's about Bruce realizing in a way many don't that when all is said and done Clark is a human in a non-human body. He has emotional limits even if he doesn't have many physical ones. He could lose control just like anyone else but the repercussions of his loss of control are as great as his powers. That's something that's always been an intrinsic part of their relationship. Bruce is probably one of the few individual's besides Lois who accepts not just Clark's superpowers but Superman's humanity. Sometimes he provokes Clark into losing control and sometimes he's just there as a safety net but Batman never, ever forgets the potential danger Superman could be as many do.

That's what I believe may be going on here. No, Clark isn't a killer, potential or otherwise, in his heart. But what if that heart was broken? What if the anger there was suddenly unleashed upon the individual he believes, mistakenly or otherwise, caused that pain?

Personally, I'd want Batman there holding the leash.

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"