“We’re friends. That’s really all we can ever be. Remember, he told Lois about himself but he didn’t tell me. If he ever does, I’ll be shocked and stunned and stupefied to learn it.” She looked away as she said, “Besides, I’m the untrod path in the yellow wood.”

“Robert Frost? Two roads diverged in a yellowed wood?”

Cat looked at Martha again. “Yes. I still don’t know how I feel about being – untrod.”

Martha sighed. “Please don’t be bitter. I know it’s hard to lose someone, then later on when you think you might have another chance it isn’t really there.”

Cat shook her head. “I think I’ve accepted it. I just hope I can sweep all those old leaves out the door.”

In this story Cat has grown a great deal since meeting Clark in college. It takes a lot to let the man you have pined after for years go to someone else, especially when that someone is your best friend. Martha was the best person she could chat with to begin getting a handle on this situation.

It was very considerate of Cat to dance with that young man. His self-esteem rocketed skyward!

His mouth opened slowly, but no words escaped. After a few seconds, Lois stepped closer to both of them and said sweetly, “That’s because Clark is unfailingly polite, Lana, and he won’t tell you he wishes you were somewhere in northern Timbuctoo instead of here with us. I, on the other hand, am often very impolite. Like I’m about to be with you.” She handed the stuffed bear to Clark, stepped into Lana’s personal space, and glared barbed-wire icicles at the blonde bimbo. “Back off and leave my fiancée alone. Or else.”

When a man you used to date in high school introduces you to his fiance, that is a CLEAR indication he is off the market. Lana obviously did not get that hint or the fact that her letters were place in the upper shelf of a closet. Do I agree with Lois knocking her down? No. But in this particular case, the woman in question needed to be told in no uncertain turns that he is neither interested nor available.

Guess Lana won't be getting an invitation to the wedding?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.