Pick three characters from the following list:

1. Lois Lane
2. Clark Kent
3. Barry
4. Lex Luthor
5. Perry White
6. Jimmy Olsen
7. Lucy Lane
8. Ellen Lane
9. Martha Kent
10. Zara
11. Sam Lane
12. Jonathan Kent
13. Cat Grant
14. Bruce "Batman" Wayne
15. Claude
16. Author's Choice

These three people are locked in a room together. It doesn't have to be a literal room with a literal lock; they could be trapped in a cave, or a time bubble, or some other thing; the point is, they are stuck with each other for a time and cannot leave. What happens?

Edit: Ok, a wild-card option has now been added. Remember that this only applies to ONE character: having all three be Power Rangers or somesuch would be cheating.

Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 08/13/20 05:13 PM.
