WOW! Welcome back CarrieRene! dance

It was important for me to re-read the previous chapters again in order to understand the story. What fun that was! smile1

Lois didn’t want to wake him so she got started on her day as Martha had suggested. She began by making some coffee finding everything where Martha had told her it would be. Then she did something she rarely ever did - she cooked breakfast. Lois had found some eggs and bacon in the refrigerator and knew the basics and got busy. Soon the house filled with the smell of bacon frying on the stove, fresh coffee, and eggs over easy.

As Lois stood there buttering the last of the toast Clark walked up beside her.

“Breakfast smells delicious,” Clark emphasized as he grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate.

Yes! Lois can cook more that toast and microwave popcorn!

“I’m not a farmer, Lois. You and I both know,” Clark sighed as he pulled away from her. “My parents knew that and let me leave for college to pursue Journalism. Now, this farm is in trouble because I was selfish.”

Lunkhead! Why does pursuing who you are make you selfish? If you stayed on the farm rather than becoming a reporter and did a lousy job of it, the Kents would still have suffered. I remember in the pilot how much Jonathan understood his son and did not push him to remain in Kansas. Clark was searching for something and he found it in Metropolis.

“Lois, open your eyes and close your mouth,” Clark smirked as he touched her lips. “It’s Wayne Irig from next door.”

Ah, nice to see Wayne make an appearance. He does not show up enough in stories.

“I heard your dad woke up last night. I wanted to know if you needed any help on the farm. My grandson needs something to do for a couple of weeks and I already have a couple of farmhands working on my farm,” Wayne asked, looking inside the house trying to see Martha.

“My mom is still at the hospital with my dad. I know we don’t have much to pay your grandson,” Clark responded putting his hand through his hair.

“Clark, it’s my grandson. He just needs something to do so he isn’t running around causing trouble,” Wayne replied. “He won’t stay at my place during the day because he says ‘Grandpa is too old’, but if he hung around here he could help you out and maybe your dad until he is better.”

Let him stay! By having him around it will be a help to Wayne and will keep the youngster from getting into trouble. After all it is only for the summer. By the way, Clark, please keep your special skills to a minimum. If that kid has a camera it could be curtains for Superman's private life.

She opened the gate to the chicken coop and winced at the crowd of chickens around. The chickens wandered around and many of them noticed the lady carrying the cup of food.

Lois feeding the chickens? thud

“I don’t think I can be two people anymore, Lois,” Clark sighed as he looked over at her. “My parents have lost so much because of me. I think it’s time I come back to Smallville full-time and give up being Superman.”

Oh boy....


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.