This only just occurred to me, yet it seems so obvious in hindsight:

In most versions of the Superman story, Jor-El builds the rocket and Jor-El records the message on the globe/crystal/what-have-you. There was maybe one funny YouTube video poking fun at the idea that Lara didn't get to leave an AI note (specifically in MoS), but I just realized: wouldn't it make *More* sense if *Lara* was the one who even recorded the message at all?

Think about it: Jor-El is racing against time to build a rocket. At best, Lara is working with him. Which makes more sense: for the scientist to pause in his desperate work to create the message, or for the less-sciency parent to contribute in her own way by creating something to include in the ship her husband is building?

Just a thought. What are yours?
