Daytona Girl, this part, despite being short, was powerful and hit the mark in so many ways.

Mariah should have had her older sister all these years. Lara should have been there to be the example and the one Mariah looks up to. She and Clark should have had to referee sisterly squabbles. The fact that her daughters hadn't had the chance to have the sister bond like Lois has with Lucy is something Lois had always mourned. Now she wonders just how will the girls get along now that Lara is home.


That's what I felt with each word and that terrible sense grew with each paragraph. The Kents were robbed of precious years with their child, right from the moment she was born. One cannot imagine the pain that they are feeling as a family and what Lois must feel as a mother. How will they proceed from here? From the conversation Lara had with her father in the previous chapter, life has not been good for her. She has suffered much pain and scorn. It is going to take all of the family to love her up and help her to understand she was very much wanted and her parents did not abandon her.

Now, the next question is, who did this? My money is on Trask.

I feel sorry for him, Lois, not Clark will make him pay for what they have done to her baby.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.