Hey Terry wave

You can tell how hard the confrontation with Sam was for Lois. The gravity of his confession and panic she felt afterward are very gripping as we feel the heavy weight of her panic when she is forced to stomach her father's actions. The sprinkle of Lois' growing feelings for Clark and Cat's expert investigative skills brought a great balance to a tense and emotional chapter for Lois. Even war veteran Lois Lane isn't immune to those country-boy-secretly-from-another-planet-and-trying-his-best-to-be-her-best-friend-and-more charms. jump

Lex of course is just as twisted as always, ordering the deaths of many without a care in the world. Unfazed by taking a life with his own hands and able to put on the charm to talk his way out of the murder charge in a blink of an eye. /sits back and eats popcorn/ Let's see how far that gets him with this trio working together.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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