Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Hahaha cute story! And I definitely remember the pinpricks of this tossed around in Hangouts. I'm so glad you decided to give it a go. (Just a thought but this could make for a hilarious Nfic premise after Lois goes home that night...)

Thanks for the much needed laugh, Mouse! (I swear homeschooling is going to be the death of me. Thank goodness my kids can't hear MY thoughts!)
Haha, thanks! I thought it came out of a hangouts blurb, but couldn't find any original notes, just the first half of the fic. Glad you liked it- happy to provide some giggles in the chaos! More giggles will be delivered soon. (And don't think my mind didn't drift that direction... evil )

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain