Every so often my one-shots spawn sequels. Here's the sequel to Sisterly Advice. Enjoy and stay safe out there!

A much appreciated sequel!

The good news is, thanks to a short bus ride, I’m almost there. Just another two blocks and I’ll be home. Well…not home. The apartment isn’t mine. It’s my sister’s and I’m due to move out in just a couple of weeks, once the painters prep my new place and the rug installers can rip up the last tenant’s stained mess and lay down fresh, clean, cream-colored carpeting. My landlord says it won’t be long now and I’m excited. I love my sister but you know what they say about close quarters and all.

Such a brief paragraph speaks volumes. Lucy has grown as a person, determined to live her own life and not to sponge off her sister. I always thought the character should have been used more to give Lois a friend to confide in. Star, Lois' neighbor in season three did not fit the bill at all.

I creep to the door and open it with glacial slowness so it won’t creak and give me away while I eavesdrop. I know I shouldn’t pry but…that’s never stopped my sister before. I’m entitled to spy once in a while. Right? Turnabout is fair play and all. When the door is ajar just the slightest bit and I can hear better, I stop and sit down with my ear pressed to the open space. I force my breathing to slow and be as quiet as possible. And I listen.

Yeah, can anyone tell these two are from the same family? Lucy cannot resist listening in on the conversation between Lois and Clark. smile1

I shut the door hurriedly and scoot back to bed only just in time, pulling my blankets up over my head seconds before my sister stumbles her yawning way into the room to collapse onto her bed. She must really be tired. She’s snoring within minutes. And in the darkness, I smile to myself. Whatever happened in Kansas, my sometimes-frigid sister has thawed a little and made a friend. True, she could have opened her heart months ago and saved herself a lot of anger, resentment, and stress. But she’s, apparently, learned her lesson and corrected her mistake. I can hardly wait to get all the details.

Don’t worry, Lois. I won’t say “I told you so.”

It doesn’t matter if I was right and you were wrong, although it does feel nice to know I was right. I’m just glad you have the one thing you need more than anything right now. A friend. And I have a gut-feeling that this friend – Clark – is going to change your life.

What a great sequel! Neat little introspective, character development and a touch of waffy. Something we can all laugh about at this crazy time. Thanks so much DC for the chuckle.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.