So. Clark's going to play hardball right out of the gate. And Lois is going to call the pitches. That's two strikes on Luthor already.

How long can he and Lois pursue this investigation before Luthor gets wind of it? Is this where you bring in the other supers? I bet Batman could nail down some really juicy tidbits on Luthor's criminal past (and present, I presume) if he were asked nicely. Wonder Woman has always had something of a soft spot in her heart for Superman/Clark/Kal-El, so I'm sure she'd lend a big hand. Aquaman could monitor Luthor's businesses that ship overseas (I know the President has to put his income-producing assets in something like a blind trust, but that slimy worm would find a workaround) and fill them in on Luthor's international criminal activities.

But Clark and Lois have the most invested in this situation. To varying degrees, both want revenge, but I think more than that, they both want justice. Clark needs justice for the decades stolen from him. Lois needs the same thing for the same reason. I'm only concerned that she might go too far if Luthor gets the green K drop on Clark. That will be something to watch.

Nigel is highly skilled, but he's also twenty years older. I don't care how strong or fast or diabolical or merciless, there comes a time when the body just won't go like it once did. The old man will either have to give way to a more fallible operative or risk having Lois take him out. She's no spring chicken either, but she's younger and more driven and it's hard to stop an opponent who has nothing to lose. Lex and Nigel have everything to lose, and they won't give it up easily or quietly.

We still don't know if Superman will return. I personally think not, but he may have to or someone might die. And Clark won't let that happen. He'll go full-on public with the Secret first.

I wonder, after they get started, if Batman or one of his proteges will shadow Lois to keep random assassins out of her hair. And whether some of the other supers will spell him. Maybe we'll see President Luthor go berserk over all the superheroes opposing him at once.

Almost forgot! James Olsen, editor-in-chief, husband, father, with a balanced workload and a good perspective on life. How cool is that? Or is it "smooth?"

James (or Jim) has a big choice to make here. How long will it take for him to believe that this tale isn't something Clark made up to fill in the memory gaps? How much will he support them? Defend them? Will his own family be put in danger? Oh, the angst possibilities!

I'm still well, still reading, still waiting for the big confrontation with Lex. It's gonna be epic, I just know it!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing