As many of you already know, I raised a son who has some major special needs. I found that the best way for me to maintain a positive outlook so that I could do my best for him and for myself was to focus on the silver linings of our situation; often the clouds covered the sky and the linings were nanoscopic.

Right now, the coronavirus cloud blankets the entire world and its silver lining is yactoscopic. It is easy to get caught up in worry and negative thoughts. I am guessing I am not alone in not sleeping as well these days as I used to do. I have therefore decided to try to find the silver lining in this situation as well. Just to be completely clear: I am not in any way attempting to diminish the severity of the situation; I am merely trying to find thoughts to latch onto to help cope with it.

So without further ado, I am going to start a "Silver Lining List." I encourage others to add to it. Let's see how many silver linings we can find.

Silver Lining List

1) The world is probably more united now than it has ever been at any time in history.

2) As often happens, adversity is bringing out the best in many people. Younger people are volunteering to make grocery runs for older people, for example.

3) People have the time now to do many things they normally don't have the time to do, from home cleaning and maintenance to binge watching their favorite TV shows.

4) A lot of people are reconnecting with old friends and talking more frequently to friends and family.

Stay healthy,

Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 03/21/20 07:04 PM. Reason: Added #4