Hi NK and DC,

Reading between the lines of both of your posts, I deduce (I hope, incorrectly) that someone has been giving you some flak regarding the awards ceremony. I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry you have been subjected to whatever happened.

I haven't been participating in anything Kerth-related this year (an insanely busy 2019 kept me from reading most of the stories), but I have an inkling from years past just how much time and effort it is to put together the ceremony and everything leading up to it. It saddens me that your reward for your efforts was to be given grief for an honest error.

Thank you for taking time from your busy lives to try to do something positive to support others who share a love of Lois & Clark.

In these challenging times, it is especially important to (in the words of a movie I never managed to sit through) "Be excellent to each other." Thank you for being excellent (or should I say "super"?) to us.

- Lynn

Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 03/15/20 08:41 PM.