Hello, all. Thanks for letting me join. I recently found my way back to this show after not watching it since I was a kid in the 90s, and I'd really love to join in on this community to keep the fun going by getting into fanfic. First of all, please don't hate me right off the bat, but I'm very much an oddity as a fan. In fact, I'm not sure there is another fan quite like me because I never liked Lois all that much and really kind of shipped Clark with the lovely Mayson Drake. Didn't much like Lois on Smallville, the fandom I belonged to after Lois and Clark, either. I wanted Clark with Lana Lang on that show.
I just could never get into Lois as a character. She was snobby and rude, and I couldn't even get behind respecting her as a great reporter because she not only couldn't see through Clark's disguise but was fooled by Lex's true character, as well. Those things kind of made me more apt to agree with Tempus on the whole "galactically stupid" thing. And speaking of Lex, the whole almost married to Superman's greatest enemy thing didn't endear me to Lois, either. I could go on more, but I know you are all fans, so I'll stop there.
Mayson, on the other hand, struck me as more of what Lois was supposed to be: brilliant and tough as nails. Plus, she liked Clark for Clark and wasn't mooning after Superman. I know some might jump in here to add that Mayson was just as guilty as Lois of only loving one half of the man, but I actually found Mayson's dislike of Superman to be an intriguing plot point for a love interest, whereas Lois' disinterest in Clark just frustrated me. Plus, Mayson was blonde llke me, so I guess that was another reason I related to her more. smile
 Anyways, I love the show, love Dean Cain, love Superman and superheroes in general, and enjoy reading and writing. I hope to get involved here and make lots of friends.