Chapter 7:

A few hours later, after the hunger for each other was momentarily sated They were able to turn their minds to other things, like food and a dress for Kim.

Which finally brought them out of the room and walking hand and hand down the street. The sun shone down on their skin warming them all over. The ebb and flow of the city life around them seemed calm for the moment and they were enjoying each other's company.

Kim was wearing big aviator sunglasses in rose gold frames. Her hair was up in a ponytail and threaded through the back of a green ball cap. She was wearing an indistinct pink t-shirt and blue jeans and a white jean jacket and matching sneakers.

Tommy was wearing a pair of khakis, a green undershirt, and a red and white plaid flannel shirt over it and tennis shoes.

"It's a nice day out today," Kim said with a smile. he squeezes her hand and smiles back before saying, "It was a nice day in the room too."

This made Kim blush a little as her smile brightens and says, "it was, but there are things we needed to do today besides each other."

He chuckles and says, "Too true. I'll do whatever you want beautiful."

"Good, cause I need a dress, and I need makeup, and accessories, and shoes," she responds to him.

"So basically a good shopping trip." He quipped.

She nodded emphatically and laughs.

After a moment or two of comfortable silence, she looks at him and asks, "Should we tell Clark we know when we see him next?"

He thinks upon it and then answers, "No, I don't think so." she turns and looks at him confused, then asks "why not?"

"Well, if someone had just come up to any of us and said, I know your the power rangers, we would have totally freaked out. It's not right to panic them like that. If something else comes up and we are forced to tell him that different."

Kim thinks about it for a few moments then says. "maybe your right."

Just then as they are passing by an outside cafe, they hear a voice call out, "Hey Kim, Tommy" the young couple looks over and sees Clark and Lois sitting at a table and Clark waving to them. Waving them over.

the young couple walks over and sits down as Kim says "funny running across you two, we were just talking about you."

"oh really?" asks Lois.

"Yeah, we were talking about how nice it was to meet you and how nice you are," Tommy answers quickly with an on the spot cover story.

"So what brings you out this afternoon.?" Clark asks.

Kim answers "I needed to get a dress for tomorrow night. Normally I love a good party, but if I could get out going to this one I would. I know that not an option, its a team function so I'm required to go." she sighs but then says, "At least I get to show my handsome off!" She smiles a broad, dopey, love-drunk type grin.

Tommy in response has a matching grin on his face. "My beautiful princess wanted to go shopping so that what we are doing," he remarks in a tone that matches his smile and looks at her. It was obvious to the older couple that the younger couple was still in that sickly cute reunion stage.

Kim turns and casually asks Lois, "So how did that appointment turn out?" "oh, um it was for work, it didn't amount to much. " Lois answered.

"aww too bad," Kim responds.

"well, it was a lead for work and not every lead pans out. You hit a fair share of dead ends." Clark adds on to Lois's answer.

"That reminds me we got to see Superman in action from our window shortly after you left. We even got to wave to him before he sped off." Tommy remarks.

Clark smiles then says, "Yeah he told us he had seen new faces today. We spoke to him briefly."

"Oh? that must have been nice to catch up then."
says Kim

"He usually tells us what happens and flies off, but he noticed that you waved at him. "Clark said

Kim smiles and says, "That's cool!"

"Well, I'm sure you're used to hero stuff having heroes in your town. the power rangers was it?" asked Lois.

"We did see our fair share of monsters. We even have special monster insurance in Angel Grove," Kimberly smiled

"A monster insurance?" Lois asked, "Why is that?"

"Well, Superman fights criminals. I mean real people. The power rangers well, let's say they fought the weirdest monsters. The local news would show the monsters when they appeared." Tommy said in a serious tone of voice.

"I would never be at ease if I am going to work in the morning. Just because there is a chance that your house is gone at the end of the day." Lois said.

"At the end in some cases, we should have the same insurance," Clark said to Lois.

Lois looked confused, "What do you mean, honey?"

"Superman did have his moments that he crushed into buildings or leaving big holes in the road," Clark said carefully he always felt guilty when he couldn't control himself.

Tommy saw the flash of guilt in the man's eyes. He knew what Clark felt at the moment. He still had nightmares of the buildings he deliberately crushed with his Dragon Zord.

"Does it happen a lot?" Kim asked curiously, "He seemed like he was in good control of himself."

"Superman has one weakness," Lois whispered, "A stone called Kryptonite. The green one makes him lose his powers but with the red one, he is out of control. That's what he said anyway. I don't think it happens so much that we need extra insurance.

Clark looked at Tommy and for a fleeting moment, he thought he saw that same guilt in Tommy's eyes. It vanished so quickly, he wasn't quite sure he actually saw it, but he recognizes that look anywhere. So he decided to push a little to see what happened.

"Who did you fear the most?" Clark asked. It was like he sensed it that he needed to ask that because there it was again the guilt and this time he was sure in what he had seen.

"As citizens I mean, What's the most horrible thing you've seen?" Clark asked curiously

"The monsters of course. We knew the rangers were there to protect us." Kim responded carefully.

Clark saw that it wasn't that. "I did a little research," he said carefully.

"What was the deal with that green ranger? I believe he was green, not Lois? I showed it to you about an hour ago." Clark said

He saw Tommy swallow. He had something here. Tommy knew more than he let on.

Kim trying to be quick with the cover story says, " We always wondered the same thing, he disappeared, the reappeared, the disappeared again, the white ranger took his place."

"There was a rumor he was the same person but no one knew for sure. The monsters they fought were ugly, but thankfully dumb, except one, who could think for himself. That was a flying monkey in armor" Tommy said

"Yeah, straight out of the wizard of oz looking flying monkey. Except instead of looking like a bellhop he wearing gold armor. We saw him a few times, from a distance, but the rangers always showed up to stop him" Kim said.

Clark was pretty sure that now. They knew more.

"We usually just ran for cover. didn't we Tommy?" Kim asked trying to be subtle. "Oh yeah, every time we tried to have a picnic in the park. I swear the place was jinxed."

Kim adds, "your right without fail. The monsters seemed to love the park."

Tommy nodded, "Yeah."

Lois says, "Sounds like they were picking the most populated areas to strike at"

"How did people contact the rangers? asked Clark.

Kim and Tommy shrugged "We don't know, they just seemed to know when to show up," Kim sighed.

Tommy was getting a strange feeling about Clark. It was like he was fishing for information. He couldn't help but look at him strangely.

Clark shook his head, "No, I don't know, those videos made me curious."

Kim says, "They were something, weren't they?" with pride in her voice, "Something our town could be proud of"

* once a Lois and Clark fan, always a Lois and Clark fan *