
A better idea, the evil man says. I predict the same thing for Superman that Mr. T's character did for his opponent in Rocky III when he was asked for his prediction for the rematch between himself and Rocky.


All those injuries to Clark might cripple him for life. I'm almost surprised he hasn't developed a serious infection from a compound fracture or all those cuts and bloody wounds, or drowned in his own blood from a broken rib puncturing his lung. And if he's beaten that badly on a regular basis, how could he eat? Or even drink water? The Kryptonite has taken his invulnerability, and he's out of the sun, so how is he being sustained? Are they feeding him intravenously? Is Luthor starving him? Oh, the horrible possibilities!

Lois is brilliant. She's enlisted the help of a number of superheroes in her search, although it sounds as if Diana is the first one to do more than say "Nope, I got nothing." And while I'm a little surprised you're crossing over into Marvel territory, it's a great idea to ask Spiderman, even though it's unlikely he'd have any information. At least this way Peter Parker will be on the lookout for any hint of news concerning Superman through his connection to the Daily Bugle.

She's brought Jonathan and Martha into the hunt, too, although I think their greatest contribution will come after Clark is found. He's going to need a safe place to recover, a place where no one can hurt him, a place which places no demands on him while he rests from all the physical therapy and Kryptonite-aided surgeries he'll have to undergo. And Lois will be there with him every step of the way.

Assuming, of course, you take that route. You could always spider devilsplat splat whinging grumble sad shock your readers.

You really are dangerous.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing