Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
What an awesome, going-to-heart tale.
It Shows perfectly how and why Clark's parents are so important for his life like it's shown in the series.
I agree that L&C is the only Show that caught the Clark/parents relationship right. I don't see why it should be necessary for Clark/Superman to lose one or both of his parents to become what he is like ist portrayed in both movieverses - and even in Smallville Martha seemingly "disappears" completely after becoming Senator, what feeled just strange.

Thanks, Blind Passenger! Glad you liked it. wave
I don't know the whole history of Superman in the comics and movies. I've always wondered if perhaps it was at least in part due to movie budget restraints limiting the number of actors. I'm thinking of the serials in the 1940s or so.
Also the earlier versions at least had Superman as the real person and Clark as the disguise. So the Kents would be less important than they were in Lois And Clark.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I think that both parents are strong figures their own way - Martha may Show a more "open" strength sometimes, while Jonathan is more the calm, strong, supportive figure. They are two different parts perfectly Fitting together, like later, Lois and Clark.

Good insight and succinct way to describe them. I agree!

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Yes, Eddie Jones was indeed the Best Jonathan. I still can't stand John Schneider's Version, and we don't see much of others because they were all killed off...

I never saw much of Smallville, only part of what I think was the final episode on YouTube. It always struck me as sad how alone other versions of Clark were. He was the sole-surviving Kryptonian and lost one or both parents by the time he arrived in Metropolis. Truly alone and isolated, with only friends and colleagues as his support system. And they didn't know the whole man, only saw him as two different people.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I also enjoy your Explanation of CJ. Sad for Kal-El, though.
However, I'm still wondering how he came to "his" Lois when Earth was destroyed and he never went there (or is this Lois kryptonian?", and how he met/contacted our favorite time-traveler.

Good questions. Perhaps they will be answered in a sequel. H.G. Wells could explain how he found Kal-El, and maybe the globe will tell CJ more... whistle

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I also enjoyed how J&M dealt with the Mobbers. As someone who had to fight with "being different" in childhoof for myself, I can see how important it is to say them where they belong!
Anyway, great Job!

Thanks. I'm sorry you had to go through that, although I think more kids than often realized have similar traumas. Probably not as overt, but still there. And I suspect it may be part of the appeal of Superman. An ordinary, mild-mannered guy can defeat the bad guys. Almost like the underdog winning. Of course real people don't have secret identities, but like Martha and Jonathan can defend the helpless when the inner warrior comes roaring out. wink

Thanks for reading and leaving such insightful and detailed comments! hyper


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly