Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
@L - yes, you do, you need to read this excellent story from the beginning.
Yay! Its not just me grin

Jelly, you've done it again. Now we get to wait to find out just how pregnant Lois is. If it's two and a half months, Clark is the baby daddy, but if it's six or seven weeks, well...we have another reason to pour stale urine on Lex' grave.
You've just hit on another decision I spent countless hours pondering. As well as how they'd figure it out and when and who would help them and ... To be completely honest, I think this was the last decision I made ... after I continually put it off until it was apparent that I couldn't finish the story without answering it.

Love Clark's declaration of love and commitment to Lois. Her time with Lex was NOT her fault! She was coerced and forced to be his - ick, I can't write the term for married female spouse here. She will have to forgive herself for being with him, because it was never her decision to be with Lex. Lex literally stole her from her home and her husband. And even though his plan fits the character you've built for him, I still can't believe he thought he'd get away with it. The man was definitely a taco shy of a combo meal.
Lex's brain is most definitely wired differently. I wonder what they'd find if they studied it. And Clark, he's like the polar opposite. Deep down, Clark is genuinely good. Even after all the crap Lex did to him, his innate goodness was able to shin through.

I can hardly wait for the next two chapters. These people are due for some real WAFFy times. I envision a great many couples reuniting (surely there was some collateral damage among the non-Daily Planet staff), and maybe some who will suffer broken hearts, if not physical injuries. I sincerely hope the doctor gets lots and lots of prison time with convicts who lost some memories they would have preferred to stay gone and got them back rather abruptly.
If anyone deserves some WAFFy times, it's these two. Is it spoiling anything if I say there is some WAFFiness on the way? I mean, I already said I am a huge fan of happy endings. Of course, we've also established that I've got a pretty mean evil streak going as well... wink

Is part 34 up yet? No?! Oh, come on!!!
Just a few more hours. smile

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.