OK, it is restored!

This page is actually the right page it is just that everything after the post of the author being Back had been deleted. So there was nothing wrong with the TOC just the post.

I looked all over the site for it and could not find it. Was just about to give up when I took a flyer and checked to see if the author (SmirkyRaven) had uploaded it to the fanfiction.net site. Sure enough (amazingly) it was there. It took a bit to get it into a format that I could copy and paste into this post as fanfiction.net does not make it easy for you to capture content posted there. I was finally able to download it as an epub format file to my computer, load it into Calibre, copy Chapter 42, and paste it into this post. Towards the end I think I was beginning to wonder if it was all worth it as the story is unfinished and was last updated over 11 years ago. But someone must have wanted to read the unfinished story so it is here now.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham