Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the review. It was a real pick-me-up after a stressful day. (Nothing horrendous happened; it was just the sort of day where as I worked on one task, three others would be dropped in my lap.) I'm glad you picked up on the comic book reference.

Perhaps the bat-plane was out of order one day? wink More likely, it occurred because recklessness runs in her family and Batman happened to rescue her when she wandered into a bad neighborhood in Gotham on a layover. (Then again, "a bad neighborhood in Gotham" is somewhat redundant, isn't it?) Maybe she first learned about him in his playboy-Bruce persona and -- investigative skills and curiosity running in her family -- she was "checking out" Wayne Manor and stumbled upon the entrance to the Bat cave.

Does anyone have any other speculations?
