Oh, I loves this one! I can understand how Clark feels and it is interesting to see how Jonathans "Frog-Speach" was created, and what were the reasons for it. I alsays feeled that a man so strong and calm like Jonathan is very irational in this point, but I loved how you explained the background of that.
And yes, music like this in the right moments can be a really good medicine at all.
I remember a similar situation for myself A few years ago. When I was younge, I often feeled, due to my blindness, as an outsider and was angry about the things I couldn't do and about the fact that other people thought I should can do them.
Just while thinking about this, the same evening, my little 3-year-old brother saw a goodnight-TV-show with two animals or so (verry kiddy stuff), and just then, they began to sing a song abouht the fact that's not important what you CAN'T do, no it's far more important what you CAN. And, believe it or not, this helped me in this situation to feel just a bit better. Thank you for bringing this day back to my mind with your story. And I love the talk Little Clark has with his dad, too. Well-written!

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.