Hi Vicki!
For the first time, Clark misses a deadline at work.
Oh dear.
LOIS: mad Where have you been? It’s past 9am I’m stilling missing my choco-choco-chocolate-chip donut.

Now, I get that sometimes things can pop up, but you had a simple murder-suicide story to file. It should have been easy for someone of your skill to get through.”
It turned out that it was actually a double-homicide and the investigation is still ongoing?

He hung his head. “I’m sorry, Chief,” he apologized. “I couldn’t, uh, find my keys this morning. And last night…I meant to send you the article but I, uh…forgot. To, uh, get to the bank before it closed.”

Perry’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head. “You expect me to believe that, son?” he asked in an almost dangerous way.
Probably should told Perry the truth, that he was standing all night in front of Lois’s apartment building, staring up at her window like a creepy puppy in love.

“Two flat tires.
he doesn’t own a car.

Wine of the Month Club delivery.
Alcoholic. Also explains his other absences and flimsy excuses.

Cabbie got lost.
Was new to the city.

Three early doctor’s appointments in three weeks.

Sprained your elbow at the gym. Only to be seen using it just fine an hour later, I might add.
Kryptonite poisoning wore off.

Burnt yourself making coffee at home.
Now that’s a stretch.

Got locked in the parking garage.
Again, no car.

Line at the ATM, of all places!
There actually *are* lines some times. Also, he could have said ‘hold up’ evil

had to take wife’s pet fish to the vet.”
Oh, so this is Season 4/5 Clark. Duh! Also, could be true! And it could almost have been ‘had to take wife to the vet’, considering Season 3…

But, if you don’t want people finding out you’re Superman, you’ve got to start creating better excuses.

Taking sick fish to the vet just won’t cut it eventually, when I retire and you have a new editor.”
Well, he might end up the editor himself?
LOIS: shock

Later, when he came to, Clark was glad he’d been sitting on the couch when he passed out.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.