I've been waiting since you posted the first chapter to read this, and I have to say it didn't disappoint at all. I noticed all through the story you never said his name or did much to describe the suit except that it was blue and red. I loved how Lois and Clark both found each other and redeemed each other as the story progressed. And it was interesting to watch Lex melt down and become closer to the evil one we all know so well.

As to Earth 3, I'm not sure where you're getting that, I thought it was Earth 2 (referencing the comic and animated movie by those names). Hmm, I just looked it up in The Multiversity Maps and Guidebook and I guess they changed it to make room for the New 52 Earth 2...that makes sense.

Anyway, it was a great story, well paced, interesting to read. I don't often go for anti-heroes, but given that I love Clark and Lois so much, I was hoping that they would redeem themselves in the end. Which they did. Mostly. That bit about unfinished business in the epilogue was interesting. And there's several loose threads: his "friend" with the globe, the guy from the docks that knows his name, the new head of Bureau 39. I very much look forward to the hypothetical sequel! Good job, mouserocks, thanks so much for sharing with us!