Originally Posted by Darth Michael
It has a happy ending. There is an epilogue but it's n-rated razz
That line alone leaves room for so much double entendre clap

rotflol angel-devil

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Why couldn’t he just have what everyone else had?
To be fair, not everyone else had Lois.


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Here he was the strongest man in the world able to bend steel bars over his head
I hope she remembers that sense of awe when mister Bonehead here does something boneheaded the next time.

As we're sure he will.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“In fact, I want you to know. I mean, I think I’m ready to…” She let out a sheepish giggle as she looked back up at him. “I am sucking the romance out of this like a vacuum.”

PG! This version is PG Michael...

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
She sighed, leaning into him and capturing his mouth with hers, running her hands up and down the sides of his face. “Yes,” She whispered her lips against his and added, “My answer is yes,”
Oh, *that* one. And here I thought. I guess because of the nfic mention at the top…

Suuuurrrrreeee wink

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
She had taken the plunge and put herself out there, and he had said….nothing.
So, basically, he’s in trouble?

Yup, it would seem so.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“Are you seriously trying to pretend you didn’t hear me?” Lois snapped angrily. “I mean, selective hearing might be a stretch when you can hear cries for help from across town.” She huffed angrily.
Yes, he’s in big trouble. Might require a Clark-shaped chocolate treat to get her over this.

Clark-shaped a must. Chocolate not necessarily... evil

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“If anyone’s the jinx, it’s me,” Lois let out a sigh. “No matter which story I try to cover it always ends in a big front-page piece with at least one person threatening to kill me.”
Dog show.
LOIS: Been there. Discovered a pony smuggling ring in the back of the dog show. Got thrown *off* one of the ponies. Got a page one out of it.

LOIS: *Really*? Resurrection ring any bells?

Fashion column:
LOIS: Cat almost killed me when I critiqued her…dress.


Poor Lois can't catch a break.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“It was nothing,” she sighed happily as she leaned into him. “I just made a decision.”

“What decision?” he asked as his hands moved up the lower part of her back and she let out a moan as the intensity of his kisses grew.

“Your proposal,” she let out a low moan as he pulled her closer, allowing her legs to move across his lap, so she was hovering over him. His hand moved to cup her cheek as his mouth captured hers.

“Your decision being?” he murmured against her lips.

“Yes,” she sighed happily against him, deepening the kiss. “Even if you do have selective hearing.”


Originally Posted by Darth Michael
“Nightstand?” she looked at him curiously.
Whatever she might be thinking evil


wave Michael

Thanks Michael! wave

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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