Clark discovers that Lois doesn't always wear underwear to work.

Lois discovers that CostMart does not support cruelty free products, which causes a boycott to begin, which in turn sinks Costmart as a business before anyone is even able to suspect they're Intergang.

Perry discovers that Elvis is alive!

Clark discovers that Elvis is alive, and doesn't know whether he should tell Perry for fear of future Elvis stories.

Lois discovers that Clark is not as patient as she might have guessed.

Martha discovers brain bleach, after walking in on Lois and Clark's latest roll in the hay.

Dr. Klein discovered Lois and Superman were having an affair long before "Sex, Lies and Videotape".

Jonathan and Martha discover they're not as infertile as they thought, and Clark ends up with a handful of siblings who don't know why big brother Clark can lift a truck but they can't.

Super fun challenge, Queenie!

Last edited by Mouserocks; 07/17/18 02:32 PM.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain