Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Valerie!

Clark: Oh, yeah, well um.... *starts floating* I can explain...
LOIS: *squints* Get your butt back down here right now, mister!

Thanks for commenting Michael. I am working on a sequel to answer all the questions left by this one.
Oooh! Interesting!

That is an interesting thought though. If the timeline is moved up then it makes it hard to have Lex and his army of clones ready to ruin everything.
LEX: wallbash Now, what should I do with a freshly obsolete Dr. Mamba…? Oh, right, those frogs like to eat their own kind, don’t they?

wave Michael

Hey Michael! wave The sequel is up. Hope it was able to give you a good laugh.

Originally Posted by AntiKryptonite
I feel so bad for Clark during this time period, having worked so hard and waited so long and then having everything spinning out of his control -- and even when he tried to be there as her friend, she usually wasn't talking to him. It was nice to see him be so determined to sort things out here, and keep going even when he caught sight of Scardino getting ready to stalk Lois--er, I mean, come up to Lois's apartment again.

Both Lois and Clark had so much trouble communicating, so it was nice to see them talking together in this fic, and I love that their connection sprang right back up as soon as they admitted their feelings to each other. All their fears of losing each other never last past their first open conversation! smile

Very sweet, and I'm glad that Clark was there to safely take care of Jimmy!

Hey, AntiK! wave

Thanks for reading smile Yes, Season 2 really put Clark through the ringer emotionally. It really is a wonder that he didn't just give up with everything that was in his way.

It's okay we all saw Scardino's presence as stalkerish too. dizzy I'm surprised Lois didn't call him out on it.

Communication really is key, isn't it? Once you have it then everything else falls into place and coffee cups almost end up on the ground. Though nobody would care if they did splatter all over the place, would they? wink

I wanted to show a determined Clark focused on putting everything back in balance. Hence the focus on 'We'll always be friends' aspect of his memories. He's always been portrayed as someone capable of being a really good friend and coming from that aspect...not as a colleauge, or potential boyfriend but as her friend...her best friend gave him the motivation to stay the course and not back down throughout this conversation. That showed Lois he was not wanting an out and thus gave her the courage to say the things that had been weighing on her mind as well.

All molded together with a quick rescue of Jimmy at arguably the worst timing ever made for a nice wrap up to a painful part of season 2 we all could do without.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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