And catching up on things, Vicki.

Awww, they're so cute!

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram

Lois had made Metropolis his home, more than anything else in the world could have. Sure, working for The Daily Planet was great, but without Lois, it was just a job. With/i] Lois, it was Clark’s dream come true.

She also made it possible for him to pull on the Superman outfit each day. When he’d first created the hero, it had been refreshing for him to be able to use his powers in the full view of others, out in the sunlight, letting the world see what he could do. But it had also been far more demanding than he’d ever anticipated. He’d known, on some level, that Superman would be sought after. Everyone would want to meet the powerful alien. People would call for his aid.

He’d still [i]seriously
underestimated how in-demand Superman would actually wind up being.

Everyone wanted a piece of the hero. There had been demands for his endorsement on products, calls for licensing rights so people could profit off his image and his S “logo” – as they put it. Everyone wanted him to support their cause, their charity, be there for the unveiling of a new business, or hospital, or school. And then there were the calls for help. All over the world, when people needed him, they cried out for Superman. And even if they didn’t, Clark would catch wind of a situation where only he could help – a raging wildfire, a mudslide, a plane going down over the ocean, the threat of war between two countries.

Psst! I think you missed some code here

Love the reference to Lois being home to him. He really needs to up his game and just sit her down and tell her already. Cute moment at the end with the officers. If they had social media in this universe I'm sure every officer would be posting and bragging about meeting the big "S" man.

Love how this one turned out. Great job!

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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