Yay for Part 2!

I'm seriously loving this fic. You've had them all develop such unique lives, even though they're all superheros.

Striding toward the door, he hit a button on his cowl, then commanded his electronic assistant to call the local police precinct. He managed to keep his growing panic out of his voice as he directed the police toward the men he had caught, then hung up.
*ears perk up* Cowl?

On the other end of the line, Jen stilled. “I’m getting Bruce.”

“I ended up with mustard from the sandwiches on my uniform.”
laugh Love that imagery.

He helped as much as he could, and as he collapsed on the table top, he found it impossible to keep his eyes open anymore. He was aware that his boots were being pulled off, followed by his gloves and pants. He reached out for Jenny, grasping her arm.

“I love you,” he said softly and clearly, then he let the darkness envelop him.

sad Worried about CJ probably most of all now, although I shouldn't, because he's in Batman's hands... But still. Although I'm also worried about Laura after that fall.

The Australian Comic Book Convention was the largest fan event in the southern hemisphere

Hmm, so it's not location specific... I'm guessing it has something to do with the sun but not sure yet.

Loved the whole panel and Clark meeting his movie-doppelganger.

“Right. I was just thinking, Kryptonians only have powers on Earth because of its yellow sun. Under a red sun, like the one that Krypton had, we wouldn’t have any powers.”
OOOH! I was right! Now, to what's causing this issue...

“You know, the other question is: assuming that someone purposely caused the situation, and assuming that you are the target, whoever is doing it has to know enough about you to know what a red sun will do to you. I don’t think that particular bit of information is well known.”

“For good reason,” he answered, letting himself process that statement for a moment. “It’s been a long time since anyone targeted me. Feels a little weird.”
I love it when in future fics, Clark's life as Superman actually gets a little easier. He's been doing this thing for what I'm assuming is over thirty years, and he most likely is old hat now. Lex has died many times over, and the personal attacks probably happen less and less. I am very curious to find out who figured out this red-sun bit though, and who could possibly be after him this time. *side-eyes the pile of rubble Lex has been buried under for thirty years*

He was stuck here for a while…why not try and enjoy it? Besides, he’d need to go buy a t-shirt or something if he wanted to go anywhere else, and it was undoubtedly better for him to be out there as Batman, someone who was only human, after all.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Clark, the comic book nerd!

Another fantastic update! Wonder how this contingency plan is going to play out. Is it weird that I'm kinda hoping Clark has to confide in Spencer North, at least in some capacity? Maybe not the secret identity thing (although, HOW FUN?!) but at least in a casual capacity, like "hey, I lost my powers and I don't have my wallet, can I borrow a couple bucks?"

Can't wait for part 3!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain