Cindy!! Finally reading this, and oh boy am I excited after this introduction!

I love Laura and Matt! They're adorable. Laura is a gem, and the thoughts on gearing her crash landing at her in-laws was thoughtful and a great set up. Wonder how they'll react to Superwoman landing at their door.

Instantly likable characters you've got!

The awkward convo between Jon and his father-in-law was also golden. It's an odd thing to realize, as you get to know your S.O.'s family and realize not all families handle things the same... It's weird, and very realistic.

“This isn’t Metropolis or Gotham. We don’t get to see you do your work, except on television. I just wanted to see.”

Jon nodded, letting the music on the radio play for a moment before responding. “When I first found out about my dad, I did the same thing. I’d go blend into the crowd and watch him do his thing, in awe the whole time. I always sort of figured that I was being inconspicuous, that he had no idea I was there, because he never said anything or even so much as looked my way. But I bet he knew….”

Cruz chuckled. “So you DO understand.”
This little bonding element was also sweet. I'm looking forward to chapter 2! (What's this? I procrastinated enough that there's already another chapter posted? Yay for me!)

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain