
Okay, I gobbled these chapters up pretty much the moment you said you'd posted them, but haven't had a moment to FDK till now. Also, where's 26, hmm? Methinks I'm getting spoiled with a double posting.... /shameless begging/

This was great. Michel's gushing about Suzanne under the guise of gushing about science and Kryptonite was perfect. I love his interactions with the Kents. They are so flipping close to catching the drift of this connected-brain thing that it's gotta be right around the corner. I fully expect it to work itself out in the most inopportune moment... perhaps when one of them finally ups their game with their respective partners... /eyebrow wag/

And Clark! /facepalm/ You sweet, lovable, oaf of a farmboy. Don't put yourself on the universe's radar any more than you already have.

On to 25!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain