Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Awww, Mouse! I like this mushy side of you! I love your dark and twisted side too but this was just perfection.
Thanks! Sometimes it's Bizarro Mouse that comes out lol She's sweet sometimes.

You've so nicely captured the worries and anticipation of delivery, be it natural or C-Section. And of course all the instant love and joy that comes with the birth. I could feel the relief in them both too, at having a healthy baby and smooth delivery, especially given that they were told they'd never be parents.
blush sloppy I'm happy it all came across naturally. I really wanted to capture so much of the emotion involved, even beyond the happiness, so I'm glad it came through.

Congrats on your nephew and I can't wait for more Mouse fluff!

Thanks! I love him to pieces already. I'm sure more fluff will be inspired by him. So funny how much attitude and personality he can already have.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain