Originally Posted by Millefeuilles
What an absolutely beautiful story. I was quite moved.
Lois’s remembrances of Ellen Lane ring so true, being such a mix of childish resentment and adult understanding: one is drawn into the telling and really feels, both for Ellen and for Lois, and understanding both their POV. Wonderful, wonderful writing and insightful psychology.
As for the rest of the story, Lois experiencing non-motherhood, it’s emotionally wrenching and hopeless and still, being Lois she is fighting fate as she can, with Clark’s love and support. Both their disappointments (miscarriage and failed adoption) were strokes of fate that the reader empathizes with, and suffers with them.
Your powerful, delicate, compassionate, colored writing made this trip towards hope and fulfilment a beautiful and significant one. Thank you for writing this story.


Wow, thank you for the kind words about the story. I'm glad it rings true for you - we open see things clearer with adult eyes than we ever could as kids (sometimes for the better, but not always). And I do see a lot of hope for repaired relationships - both Sam/Lois AND Ellen/Lois - by the end of the series that Lois would definitely be looking back on things with a much clearer head and a willingness to be more open minded.

The rest...I think it's hard not to feel for someone who so desperately wants a child and faces disappointment, no matter where that disappointment comes from. Even if we can't imagine the level of pain they are in because we haven't been in their shoes, it hurts our hearts too. Personally, I haven't experienced adoption loss or a miscarriage, but, I've seen friends and family experience lost pregnancies, adoption ineligibility, infertility, and yes, one friend who experienced infant loss (we met after her loss). Each one has torn fresh wounds in my heart.

I'm glad you came away hopeful from the story. My intention was exactly that - that even though Lois and Clark have gone through these terrible things, and regardless of if they have ten babies or no babies, they've stuck by each other and come out all the stronger for surviving such dark times together.

Thank you for taking the time to read the story. smile

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon