Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
I personally like the follow-on comics after the John Byrne series. Reading them properly would take a commitment, though, since they weave a single, almost never-ending, story throughout the different books. These books continue with the character and universe presented in the MoS series: Clark is the real person, Superman the disguise; Jonathan and Martha are still alive; Lex is a business man (when he isn't busy being Clark's nemesis), etc.

Lynn, would these be the stories between the last of the Man of Steel trades and the first of the Death of Superman stories with Doomsday? They don't have those available through the means I've been using to read them (Hoopla), but I see that comicbookherald.com lists five trades of collected stories available from this time... From what I can tell, these seem to skip certain issues, but they may still be worth me checking them out. I'd just have to be willing to buy them.

Also, I totally skipped over the wedding issues due to a lack of availability on Hoopla. Are they worth checking out?

Last edited by Lois_Lane_Fan; 05/17/18 12:33 PM.