Thank you to everyone that took the time to take the survey.

Hearing back from everyone really helps us to know what works and what doesn’t work. We’ve detailed the summary of the results below:

Kerth Ceremony In Review

Please Choose Your Favorite (or Favorites) of the Games Leading Up to the Kerths:

Guess the Fic (Banner Reveal): 6
Guess That Quote (Nominee Fics): 8
Kerth Weekly Challenge: 10
Bad Description Quiz:6
Guess the Author Quiz:8

KCOM Consensus: All the games appear to be a hit

Are There Any Games You’d Like To See Added Next Year?

KCOM Consensus: Everyone appears to enjoy the games and since there were no new suggestions we’ll continue with the current games and possibly change things up to keep things interesting. smile

Are there any categories you would ADD if you could?

The categories this year covered everything I wanted to see!
Best Lex Story
Best Tempus Story
Best Crossover
Best surprise ending

KCOM Consensus: Keeping these category suggestions in mind we’ll keep track to see if we have enough fics to use any of these suggestions.

Are there any categories you would REMOVE if you could?

Remove new categories: Introspective, Challenge Response, Character Development
Only have Drama; no Tearjerker
Replace Series with sequel so it can be eligible to those that posted related stories the previous years
No change
Nope keep em all!

KCOM Consensus: As a rule, the KCOM keeps track of all stories written and posted to the boards and the archive throughout the year to determine which categories will be used that following year for the Kerths. That being said:

The new categories haven’t even had time for the ink to dry on them and you want to remove them? As long as we have enough stories for these categories we’ll keep them as there hasn’t been enough time to determine if they’re well received or not.

Drama and Tearjerker are different. What makes you cry doesn't necessarily equal drama and vice versa. Can there be overlap? Sure. But last year people asked for opportunities for others to win. That’s what we’re delivering. If we have enough stories for each category we’ll do both if not we’ll do one or the other.

Series and Sequel fall into the same category here. The two or more in the same year is the original rule that was put in place when the Kerths were founded in 1998 and we don’t see a reason to change it. Sequel/Series two or more stories posted in that same year as we’re not judging stories from previous years.

If we have enough stories we’ll use the appropriate category.

My Favorite Part About the Kerths Was….

The guest stars.
4/16/2018 11:52 AM

Everything! I was thrilled to be a part of it. And I really like the idea of the twin Kerth chat/ceremony.
4/15/2018 2:45 PM

The surprise guests (for all that we ragged on Ralph, it was a happy rag, if you know what I mean). I'm not answering the next question because I thoroughly enjoyed all of the guest appearances.
4/15/2018 2:21 PM

KCOM Consensus: More of the same next year. We’re glad everyone had a great time.

My Favorite Guest Appearance Was...

Ralph: 3
Lois Lane:
Clark Kent:
Lex Luthor:
Lucy Lane:
Ellen Lane:
Bobby Bigmouth:4
Murray Brown: 3
Lana Lang
Jerry White:1
Jimmy Olsen:
Mayson Drake:
Alternate Lois’:3
Perry White:

What Would You Like To See Done Different (or the Same) Next Year?

An acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of the archive's general editors
4/17/2018 8:31 PM

KCOM Consensus: Completely agree and that was our oversight. We couldn’t do the Kerths or keep the archive running without all the hardworking General Editors that volunteer their time to edit all the authors’ stories. We couldn’t do it without you so THANK YOU!

You need to get down to about 5 nominees at most for each category. I have no problem with multiple categories so long as there are enough stories to make it a viable category. If (almost) every story is nominated for a Kerth, it makes the nominations seem less special.
4/16/2018 9:52 PM

KCOM Consensus: The nominees listed have always been on a top five basis, however the last few years we’ve had a very large tie among votes that creates an inability to limit the stories on the nominee list. Preventing this isn’t really something in the KCOM’s hands but rather as you the voters. Voting in every category and actually voting will prevent or limit ties in the future. We’d like to think it says something about the quality of stories and the writers behind them if voters have a hard time choosing. smile

Dr. Klein to the guest list!
4/16/2018 11:52 AM

KCOM Consensus: You know you wouldn’t believe it but he actually called us this week asking for an invite to next year’s awards wink

Perhaps to have the second and third winners carry silver or bronze medals: I'm sorry so many talented writers didn't carry home some awards. The choices are very hard to make, as the writers of this fandom are so awesome. Maybe you should take allowance for that and change it into gold/silver/bronze medals, because I'm sure some won by a few vote.
4/15/2018 2:45 PM

KCOM Consensus: This isn’t really how the Kerths are setup. Just like you wouldn’t see 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the Oscars or Academy Awards you wouldn’t see that in a Journalism Award ceremony which is how the Kerths are setup. While yes there are close calls on votes and those things nominee awards are sent out to those that make the cut. It is not the intent of the Kerths to mirror an Olympics awarding system.

I am shooting myself in the foot with this one, but perhaps it would be good to have the ceremony at a time that would be convenient for the European or the Aussie fans to participate. This year's ceremony was perfect for me, but it was very inconvenient for FoLCs in other parts of the world. And given that there are probably a lot more North American participants than there are FoLCs from other parts of the world, straight-forward votes will probably always wind up slighting the rest of the world. It seems to me only fair that the Aussies and Europeans (and Africans and Asians, if we have anyone from either of those continents on the boards) be allowed to have at least an occasional ceremony at a time when they could conveniently participate. (Even if it meant that FoLCs like me might not participate.)
4/15/2018 2:21 PM

KCOM Consensus:We do our best to accommodate as many of our FoLCs as we can; however the KCOM is composed of mothers with young children and thus we cannot schedule the ceremony for a time where it prevents us from sleeping. (Our children make that hard enough as it is goofy ) No matter what time we have the Kerths Ceremony it won’t work for someone. With how scattered the FOLCS are it’s a given. We do our best to make accommodations and move categories so those we know have won in a category or are presenting can do it. However the required attendees: the KCOM would have to be able to be present at the ceremony. We have 2/3 of the KCOM in the USA and 1/3 in Australia. Finding times that work for all three of us is hard enough as it is. We do present at least three viable options for ceremony times and have everyone vote on them, but as far as having a ceremony (even rotating the time occasionally) would be way too much on us. For this reason we do provide a complete transcript of the ceremony and chat. We had this up less than twenty-four hours after the ceremony. Outside of that it isn’t possible to accommodate some parts of the world. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is given where the current members of the KCOM are located.

This is the SUMMARY of the results received. The only thing added to these results are the KCOM Consensus.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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