Hi Terry!

He’d never before realized how much energy entertainers of all kinds had to expend during a performance.
Huh, and that comes from the man who regularly interacts with criminals and burning buildings.
CLARK: And politicians giving me keys. Never forget the politicians!

I’ve already sent the check to your manager, along with a request to have you back for the teacher’s conference over spring break.”
Yeah, they'll be disappointing a lot of people.

Clark shrugged. “Good timing. It’ll give Lois a place to wear her new micro bikini.”

Lois stiffened for a moment,
Yeah, that must rub her the wrong way.
LOIS: He *never* rubs me the right way, no matter the wear.

Mrs. McCready laughed. “You two! Tell you what, if you do wear those outfits, I can guarantee a sellout with standing room only! None of the male or female teachers would miss that sight.
Oh boy.

And their spouses would be there, too, if only to keep track of their partners.”

Clark lifted his eyebrows and said, “We’ll have to discuss that one with Louie, I think.”
Yeah, they do have certain clothing stipulations in their contract.

Lois shook her head and said, “Micro bikini? What were you thinking?”
Or with what, huh?

“That you’re an attractive young woman and that we’d have a good turnout.

And speaking of revealing swimming apparel—”
Ooooh, he wants to talk about red speedos.

She took a few steps and chuckled. “And some of the not-so-straight ones, too.”

“Oh, no, they’d be coming to see you, hoping that a strap would—”
rotflol Also, I'm waiting for the Things to show up.

“Hello again, you two.”
See? See! What did I just tell you?

“Why?” Clark demanded. “Weren’t we funny enough the other night?”

“Oh, you was both hysterical,” said Benton. “Especially when the little lady was snooping around the computer.”
Say what now?
BENTON: What now?

“You missed the camera in the corner of the ceiling.
So, oops?

“Yeah!” growled Benton. “And now we gotta take care of both o’ you.” He cracked his knuckles. “I’m gonna enjoy it, too.” He sneered at Clark and took a step forward. “I’m startin’ with you, mister fancy moves.”
That doesn't sound good for Lois.

Her front snap kick caught the startled hoodlum squarely in the crotch and he folded up like a wet cardboard box.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Clark nodded, then jumped across the alley and picked up a trash can lid from the ground and threw it like a Frisbee at their pursuers.

He knelt behind the dumpster, between her and the pistol. “Lois! Look at me and grab my neck!”
Oh boy. That's gonna leave a mark

“Wha – Clark? What – what happened? Are we – are we both dead?”

He sighed. “No, but in a few seconds I may wish I were.
Depends on how fast her mind works and if she's going to handle the adrenaline rush with sex.

“Hey! This is the roof of your building! How’d we – wait, did Superman bring us here?”
See? Out. He's just gotten an out.

Or was it Superman who was Clark?

Did it even matter?
/waits for her to realize that she's married to Superman. That she's got marital rights to Superman./

“Inspector? Superman’s here to see you. He brought presents, too.”

Roberts was silent, still battling the effects of Lois’ quick kick, but Benton squirmed and tried to yell, “This is entrapment! We was just huuuggghh!”

Superman pressed his arm against Benton’s diaphragm just enough to discourage him from speaking. A moment later Bill Henderson opened the side door. He blinked once, then said, “Sergeant Kane, send Detectives Thorpe and Buck to my office.” He waved to the hero to follow him.
That's why they'd need a hoodlum receptacle at the roof of the precinct. Kind of like a coal chute, only for hoodlums.
COM. GORDON: I have one at Gotham PD Central. Let me check…Ah, yes, it’s a Wayne Enterprises Hoodchute 2000. It’s fitted with cushioned corners to prevent lawsuits and a sleeping gas dispenser and air filtration system for safe removal of the hoodlums.

I’ll be back before morning to fill out my report. And Lois Lane and Clark Kent will come by to file a complaint.
He's quite optimistic about his chances of surviving the night.

“I never told you a lie.”
I'm not sure this is the right time to go Obi Wan on her. Unless he wants Lois to go all Darth Vader on him.

“So you just borrowed Superman’s powers for the night?”
CLARK: /shrugs/ Red Kryptonite laser. Long story.

“No, Clark. Assuming that’s really your name. You lied to me.”

She wasn’t going to be the slightest bit reasonable.
Maybe he should not voice that thought out loud.

So he wouldn’t either.
Apparently, he has no interest in marital relations tonight or in the foreseeable future.

“I asked you if you had a good laugh. You know, do you go home and drink a beer and talk to yourself about how stupid I am and how you pulled the wool over my eyes for another day and toast yourself?
So, men lying to her is a sore point, then?

And I wasn’t doing this just to fool you.”
Yeah, that was just a bonus.

“But it was a really good perk, wasn’t it?

“You have to believe I’m galactically stupid!”
TEMPUS: And she worried the *audience* didn't understand the concept of copyright infringement. Don't you just love the irony?

“Maybe I do,” he snarled.

“Oh, yeah? If I’m so stupid, why do you act like two people around me? I think you’re the stupid one!”
Oooh! Nice expansion!

She’d pushed him too far this time and something in his mind snapped. “You bought it.”
Nice one!

Your little brain just couldn’t put it all together, could it?”
Oooooohhhhh...that one was a bad one.

I’d just started at the Planet and Superman had just gone public and you were so in lust with him that you’d have stripped naked in front of City Hall and pole-danced for him if he’d asked you to!”
*blinks* Oh boy.
LOIS: He *said* that was how they do interviews on his home planet of Laz Vecas.

This time his head snapped to one side as she slapped him. “How dare you!”
Oh boy.

“Did you ever think that you could kill someone’s love for you with your actions? With your attitude? With your words?” He leaned back and crushed his hands into fists. “I’m here to tell you that it’s possible. It’s very possible.” He folded his arms across his chest to control them. “I won’t talk about what it turns into then.”
Oh boy.

There wasn’t much she could do for him now. But she refused to be a burden to him, an anchor around his neck, an albatross weighing him down for the rest of his life.
Oh oh. Sounds like she's leaving and running straight into the arms of Intergang.

Superman nodded back. “As a matter of fact, I do have a fairly important errand to run, and it can’t wait too long.”
Overdue book, huh?

Also included a Superman quote.
She certainly got used to that one fast.
Next day...
...and Superman in particular remarked on the strong, muscular build of Mr. Benton...

and that he’d ask Cat if she’d help Lois look for a place.
They could be roommates!

“Actually, I’m looking for a roommate.
jawdrop laugh

My last one called me a party pooper and announced that she was moving out this coming weekend.”

“You? A party pooper? Who was this crazy girl, a Playboy bunny?”

“No-no-no! I doubt she was doing anything on her side.”

It took a moment for Lois to get the double entendre,
[Linked Image]

Oh, wait, is Clark joining
Well, wouldn't that be awkward, Cat coming home and finding her roommate's clothes all over the living room floor, mixed up with a guy's stuff while said roommate certainly wasn’t doing anything on her side.

“Oh, good, it’ll give me a chance to have the room fumigated and scrubbed. The crime scene cleanup guys offered to do the entire apartment, but I told them they only had to worry about the second bedroom and living room.” She made a face. “And – all the furniture in both rooms.”

Cat pushed the button for the garage level and patted Lois’ arm at the same time. “Good! We’ll chow down and you can tell me why you and that delicious man of yours are splitting up.”
He’s busy having a thing with another guy. And Lois wasn't invited.

Lois’ grin melted away. “I – uh – I’m afraid it’s my fault.”

“Really? Did he catch you in bed with some other man?”
No, but only for lack of her trying.

“Another woman?”

“No! He’s been totally faithful.”
CAT: No, you!

“I meant you and another woman.”

Cat lifted her car fob and the Porsche beeped at her.
/waits for car to blow up/

Then again, maybe the Daily Planet’s resident sex kitten knew what she was talking about after all.
Yep. Wonder if Cat will head-slap some sense into those two dolts.

Can’t believe it’s almost over.

wave Michael

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