"So you told her your biggest secret-- the one thing I've told you your whole life to never tell another soul-- for what? To assuage your own guilt?"


"No. The boy doesn't got any sense, Martha!"

"Jonathan," she snapped firmly this time, fixing him with a hard glare. "Why don't you go make us all some coffee?"

He grumbled and launched to his feet, a new sort of guilt filling Clark's soul as he watched him walk away. "He's right, Mom. I probably shouldn't have told her anything. She... she might not ever let me near them again, and she wouldn't be in the wrong. But I just... I should have told her the first time, when we met. Meeting her again, and consciously not telling her? When would ever be the right time?"

Jonathan and Martha are loving and supportive parents, but sometimes even the most supportive people can reach their limit which is exactly what happened here. His father knows what is at stake if Clark's cover is blown - a secret they have all kept for nearly thirty years. As a father he is deeply concerned that his son has thrown that secret and possibly their lives only to show Lois, who is still a stranger, his ability to fly has put them all in jeopardy.

This is something Clark will learn and understand when he is fully invested as a parent. Right now all he has managed to do is scare Lois out of her wits.

Please Mouse, we need some more. grovel


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.