Hi Queenie. Seven isn't me, but if it makes you feel any better, I wish I had that knowledge.

My guesses:

Author 2: Deadly Chakram?
Author 3 has to be MouseRocks.
Author 5: I agree with Queenie about #5 probably being a good description of most of us (definitely including myself), but I'm going to guess that the person who described themselves that way is Terry Leatherwood.
Author 8: Morgana?
Author 11: Ken J?
Author 13: Dandello? Whoever it is, we share similar tastes.

Incidentally, I may (or may not) be engaging in some misdirection by purposely guessing my hint as describing a different author so that my guesses don't provide clues as to which hint is mine. (Head games, much? wink )

What a fun game, and I am definitely interested in seeing the answers.
