Hope this doesn't come across as too advertise-y (and in the interest of full disclosure, I actually have to get traffic to this site for a college class I'm taking on Google Analytics, so I can't even claim there's no ulterior motive!!), but I wanted to let y'all know about a Superman fansite I'm working on. It's supposed to mainly focus on The Adventures of Superman and Lois & Clark, but unfortunately I haven't got much Lois & Clark content up there yet. I haven't got much content at all up there yet, actually...which is something I'll try to fix as soon as I can, but it still might take a while since it can take a lot of work to make an entire website.

I haven't been doing much Superman or Lois & Clark related lately, and I kind of hope I can change that!

Anyway, it may be rather unfinished in some ways, and again there's not even much L&C content right now (though there WILL be, really!! I already have a whole bunch of screencaps on my computer that I want to put there!), but you can still take a peek if you're interested. Here's the link: Small Screen Superman