Wow. I'd always imagined that Clark and Bruce were the same age, give or take about three years. But once again I'm pleasantly surprised. Does this mean that Batman will eventually become Superman's mentor? Was the young man who died Jason Todd, one of the Robins? Will Clark become Robin? Or are you just teasing us?

How long before Lois makes an appearance? (This is a Lois AND Clark board, after all.) Not that this tale hasn't been fascinating so far. I love how Jonathan and Martha seem to pop into Clark's mind whenever he has an issue with a moral center. It speaks well of all three of them. And I really liked his interactions with the mysterious Bruce in both the previous chapter and this one. And I wonder if Bruce has (or used to have) any super-hero aspirations.

Hey, blow up your posting schedule and let us have them one chapter a day! You'd have some very thankful readers out here in the ether.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing