Okay... I have bad news, and I hate, hate, hate that I have to do this again. frown But real life just won't leave me alone... more things happening than you want to know about. razz

I don't have part 30 ready to post, and I'm afraid the story will have to go on a break for at least a week, possibly more. frown I do want to reassure everyone that this story *will* be finished. This year. And if it stops getting longer, it might even be in the first half of the year. :p I'm too emotionally invested in the story for me not to finish, so please don't worry that it'll be abandoned. smile

I'll get back to posting just as soon as I can!


Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile