Aww! It's going to be a *real* wedding! I'm so excited! clap I wonder how Perry and Henderson et al. are going to react to that one when the sting is over

Not a whole lot of time for comments, just two little thoughts here.
Star stood and handed the bag of ice cream to Lois.
This line made me laugh unintentionally. I know what you're saying here, but the image of Lois being handed a ziploc baggie or even a grocery bag full of gooey soft serve ice cream just cracked me up. lol

“Just about. There are only a couple of things to take care of tonight and then on to ‘happily ever after.’”
I also don't recall Lois doing this. spider Am I wrong to feel very suspicious of Star here? Is it just paranoia? Is her mind being controlled, or being blackmailed? Where is the paparazzi? peep I'm probably being over concerned, and will look forward to some bachelorette party fun appearing in the next chapter.

And the last chapter!! shock Can't believe it's gone by so fast! It's been a great ride!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain