Hey Lynn smile...

Great hearing from you. And I totally understand and appreciate what you are saying--and I thank you for the go ahead to read regardless of FDK time your stories. It's really thoughtful of you because (for me, anyway) L&C is always an escape. It's kinda that place I can go and get lost--not think about anything else going on except these wonderful characters. And sometimes that little escape is totally needed smile.

But...like everyone has mentioned, even a quick little reply of FDK--'Great job!' 'Loved it' 'Great characterization!' doesn't take too long either to give.

I just haven't had much of any time to do the actual sitting down, stopping to put the feet up, and actually read type part wink.

Anyway, wanted to tell you how much your response meant to me--thanks!

And, as always, you know I'm quite the fan of your work. Love it.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~