This is so beautiful (sigh). It made me smile and had me in tears, all in a few seconds.

...the group scattered on their separate ways: he to English, Pete to Economics, and Lana to cheerleading.

He couldn't believe she was actually going to get a credit for that.
LOL! laugh

And then this:

He hated the secrecy. He wanted to tell Lana. Had to tell her if they ever were going to have a relationship. And he wanted that. Wanted to be with someone who knew his secret. And who would love him anyway.

Honesty - that's what his mom and dad had always taught him, what they'd always lived by. Even when the truth was hard. Deep inside, he knew they were right. Truth mattered.

So he had to tell her.

Don't tell, don't tell. An owl whirred past him, huge wings inches from his face, yellow saucer eyes staring, warning him.

But I have to. She has to know what I am.

I know I can trust her to keep my secret.
Awww... the turmoil and the conflict, so wonderfully portrayed. Now we know why, years later, Clark found it so hard to tell Lois his secret. I'm sorry for Rachel's anguish but it's a good thing our teenaged Clark found out about Lana's true nature before he betrayed himself in a weak and possibly hormonal moment after the prom. Beautifully thought out, Carol!

Thank you for a wonderful vignette! thumbsup


Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!