Going through season one's episodes lately and I'm trying to pinpoint exactly how many things (good or bad) Lex Luthor is responsible for/involved in. For instance, the pilot of course, is all Luthor. Counted separately, that includes the Messenger and Prometheus stuff, plus killing Antoinette Baines and Samuel Platt. On the other hand, there's situations where Lex is involved in a project but is not the bad guy of the episode (i.e. HiM, where Thaddeus Roarke is the villain sabotaging project Shockwave, but Lex is the one that started Project Shockwave).

Not the bad guy, but still apart of the plot.

Just wondering if there are any other instances I can't remember where Lex Luthor is involved in the plot but not distinctively the villain of the episode. He's definitely apart of a lot of the season, but just want to make sure he didn't have a hand in anything else I'm forgetting. (For instance- I'm not a fan of "Illusions of Grandeur" so I don't watch that episode often, were there any Lex scenes in there?)


Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain