Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Hooray for Hollywood the Kerth committee! Now *that's* entertainment!

Seriously, though, I have to say how impressed I am by all of the wonderful promotions you all are doing leading up to the Kerth ceremony. (I just wish I had enough free time to watch/read/participate in all of them.)

Thank you!


Haha! Lynn thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. When I saw Morgana's comments about the Academy Awards I couldn't resist doing a slideshow to the theme of the Oscars. it does make you feel more Hollywood doesn't it?

Yeah we're doing a lot this year but that's why there are different ones. Small things. Big things. Something different for everyone to try to do. Guess the Story or watch the vids. smile

We're just trying to have some fun with everything this year and hopefully draw more interest in the Kerths which is in 2 weeks and 3 days. Yikes! jawdrop

~ Folc4evernaday

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